Saturday, April 9, 2011


The heel flap on my second sock of the first ever pair is one inch away.

I am determined to get the pair finished in time to wear this winter. And my new frugal winter lifestyle is going to be very conducive to knitting which I'm looking forward to. I need to save all my pennies so the pounds (and Euros) can looks after themselves come August...

I'm hoping to get through lots more books while in my savings induced hibernation. Last week I read a disturbing but extremely well written book - Room by Emma Donoghue. She captures the voice of a five year old unbelievably well. All the little quirks of language, it so reminded me of my little brother five years ago, 'But why you need that?'.

I won't give too much away but Room gets pretty gripping at points. I can't handle not knowing certain things so I am guilty of skipping ahead in books to find out and then going back and continuing to read. I did that a couple of times with Room and then about two thirds of the way through I actually sat up until 2am speed reading to the end because I really wanted to know what happened without skipping to the last page. Since then I've gone back and continued to read from where I got speedy on it, otherwise I'd feel like I'd missed out on really reading the book.

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