Sunday, July 18, 2010

80 years

As much as family gatherings remind me how...unique some of my family members are, they are also pretty nice. The final photo is of my great aunt Olga listening to people share memories of her from the last 80 years. I spoke about how much I admire her many skills and talents and how their house is full of things they've made themselves (woven curtains, rugs, embroidered cushions, clothes) and how so many of us have received handmade gifts over the years that have been made with lots of care and love (although I know some family members who would be pleased never to receive another woven table mat again...). And helpfully, to illustrate my point, over on the floor, amongst a pile of toys and books, was the rug Olga made her latest great niece, who is 8 months old and came over from Sydney with her Mum to celebrate the occasion.

I can only hope that if I reach 80 I am as sprightly as Olga who is still an avid gardener as well as a spinner and weaver. Maybe it's all the making she does that's kept her so well!

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