Last night at Monday night Knitting Circle, I finished the main body of the Baby Shrug! Now I just have to do the ribbed edging, sew it up, and voila! One super cute (and quite tiny) baby shrug.
Naturally, I'm slightly worried about this ribbed edging business as I have to pick up stitches that I have cast off. I re-read the last part of the pattern and inspected the edges of the Baby Shrug at 10.30pm last night to try to ease my worries, just as I was about to go to bed and read a little bit of my latest book, Little House in the Big Woods (I just had a real craving to read it a while ago, I've never actually read it, I read These Happy Golden Years a few times when I was younger because my Mum had it from when she was younger, but I never actually went and got the other books out from the library, even though I liked These Happy Golden Years enough to read it several times).
I have also done some research today and found this explanation of how to pick up cast off stitches quite helpful. So when I get a chance sometime this week or this weekend, I will get down to business. Quite exciting.
Sometimes, I wish I was quicker with my camera. Last night Anita finished her attempt at making a bigger baby bootie. She had doubled her pattern and at 8.30pm last night, displayed the result: The Big Foot Baby Bootie. It was cute...but big enough to fit a five year old. So also quite hilarious. Sadly she hid it away before I could take a photo.
Finally, today I am loving this playlist over on Posie Gets Cosy. As someone says in the comments, she's clearly a 'boys with guitars' kinda gal.
This tute looks quite fab too:
Good luck!